It’s time to order your seeds!
If you haven’t ordered your seeds for the 2023 garden season it’s time! My favorite seed company is Burpee. It’s a small Pennsylvania company that has been around for years. I have very fond memories of sitting by the fireplace with my dad reading the Burpee catalog in my childhood. We would pour over the different varieties of the seeds and plot out our next summer’s winners.
I still love looking at the catalog and dog earring the pages, but I order my seeds online now. I limit the vegetables that I plant by seed in my garden due to the short growing season in the mid-Atlantic. Unless you have a place to start your seeds inside in late winter/early spring it is best to purchase already started plants when growing tomatoes and peppers. Sometimes I will grow my annual herbs from seed, but I usually pick up a few basil plants while I wait for the seeds to grow in the spring outside.
My go to vegetables for growing from seed are peas and green beans. My favorites are Super sugar snap peas and Blue Lake Green Beans. These seeds always produce plants and tons of vegetables. I also grow lettuce, spinach and kale from seeds. Cucumbers and Squash are also very easy to grow from seeds.
I am looking forward to gardening again with you next spring! Order your seeds now. Burpee always has discounts this early in the season. If you like my post, please order your seeds through my affiliate links on the page from Burpee.